The Alliance Against Racial Profiling is led by a coordination group. We meet monthly to set strategic guidelines for the organization and discuss upcoming tasks and responsibilities.
#aufklärungskommission #aufenthaltssicherheit #bewegungsgfreiheit
Racist police stops on trial
Hearings on racial profiling in Swiss courts have so far revealed the following: First, racialized victims of police assaults are not taken seriously; They are considered overemotional and; their testimonies less credible than those of police officers. On the other hand, the interest in an examination regarding a violation of the prohibition of discrimination seems to be low to non-existent.
The tribunal "Racist police checks in the dock" was developed over several months, motivated by the course of the trial of Mohamed Wa Baile before the District Court of Zurich in the fall of 2016 and inspired by the format of the tribunal as staged by the Berner Rassismusstammtisch in the same year with the "Kanakentribunal". So far, the Tribunal has been staged three times in Switzerland.
Tuesday, 20. February 2024
The European Court of Human Rights rules in the case of Wa Baile v. Switzerland that Switzerland has violated the European Convention on Human Rights on three points. The ruling is a milestone in the fight against racial profiling and institutional racism.
Thursday, 15. February 2024
Wilson A. says: "We are determined to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights if necessary to achieve justice and pave the way for future cases of racial profiling and racist police violence to be clearly punished."
Saturday, 26. August 2023
Mit einer Kletteraktion in Bern gedenken Aktivist*innen der Allianz gegen Racial Profiling dem vor zwei Jahren durch die Regionalpolizei Waadt erschossenen Roger Nzoy Wilhelm. Die Allianz gegen Racial Profiling fordert eine unabhängige Untersuchung und das Ende von rassistischer Polizeigewalt.
Sunday, 14. August 2022
The Alliance Against Racial Profiling demands that the immunity of the presiding judge be lifted. The latter was charged with abuse of office and coercion for using massive pressure to have Wilson A. appear in court without adequate legal representation.
Tuesday, 21. December 2021
Swiss society and politicians are criticizing the American justice system while refusing to criticize racist police violence and cover-up of the judiciary system. Racist police violence and racism within the legal and justice system also exists in Switzerland.
Sunday, 27. December 2020
We are taking also Mohamed Wa Baile's administrative case to the Federal Court. Why did we decide to do this? The court has covered up the racism of the police. The Swiss courts and the authorities must finally recognize racism!
Thursday, 11. June 2020
We mourn those people who were killed in Switzerland by racist police violence, such as Mike Ben Peter, Hervé Mandundu, Lamin Fatty and many others. Racist police violence is a deadly reality in Switzerland too!
Friday, 12. July 2019
This volume brings together scientific, artistic and activist contributions on the social background and effects of racial profiling and the possibilities of intersectional anti-racist resistance.
Wednesday, 12. June 2019
Evaluation Report of the Collaborative Research Group on Racial Profiling in Switzerland, 2019.
Tuesday, 18. September 2018
Mohamed Wa Baile filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
Sunday, 08. April 2018
The Wilson A. case shows: The police and justice system is institutionally racist
Wednesday, 10. May 2017
Alternative Report on Racial Profiling practices of the Swiss Police and Border Guard authorities
Monday, 07. November 2016
Discriminatory police identity checks as an expression of institutional racism in the Swiss police corps